Laser scar removal is a superior method for scar reduction and removal. The fractionated CO2 laser is the gold standard for removing scars after acne, surgery, injury, or burns.
PRP treatment is a completely natural, safe and efficient antiaging method, without any side effects. PRP treatment is highly efficient for the recovery of damaged skin, or for skin hydration and refreshment.  This treatment entails the injection of patient’s own blood plasma, very rich in thrombocytes and growth factors, using a special mesotherapeutic technique. The treatment regenerates skin, making it glow and giving it a fresh look.
Nasolabial folds appear as deep wrinkles from the angle of the nose towards the end of the lips. There are several treatments that can be applied with more or less success, depending on the depth of the fold and skin condition.
Droopy eyelid skin often gives a tired look, or even a sleepy or angry look. Eyelid skin is the first part to start drooping, because eyelids move most frequently during the day, and the skin itself is very thin. Eyelid surgery can give you back the lost confidence and make you look rested and fresh.

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